El pasado mes de octubre tuvimos una experiencia sensacional dentro de nuestro Tour por Europa, y es que fue nuestro 1er Sounds Of Earth Showcase dentro del marco de las actividades del Amsterdam Dance Event. La tripulante más joven del Crew pero no por eso menos experimentada: Luz Sánchez, tuvo varías presentaciones dentro del Tour, […]
Simon also known as Khainz is a Switzerland DJ / Producer with more than 20 years of experience. A long the time your sound it has been improving, however he has keeping a peculiar style, what has made his one of the favorites producters in México. You can easily describe his with just one word…quality, […]
English. Chiristian Wedekind better know him as a D-Nox, he is a german dj with almost 30 years of experience, his charisma and his amazing way to communicate us all the feelings when he is in charge of the mixers, his sets are impeccable, what has positioned him as one of the reconiced dj´s in […]